Because life’s celebrations shouldn’t cost the Earth

Wednesday 9 December 2015

Christmas Crafts - Sewing World Magazine 2015

DIY Quilted Dog Coat Tutorial

The fantastic Christmas issue of Sewing World Magazine is in the shops now and it's full of inspiring seasonal makes including my quilted dog coat tutorial and pattern.  I set out to create a coat that was quintessentially English, with an added festive twist! 

The coat is fully lined for warmth and I stitched mine using an old child's kilt which I picked up for pennies at a local car boot sale!  It's super easy to make and the magazine comes with a full-sized pattern, for a medium sized dog, which can then be resized on a photocopier to suit any size of dog.

The kilt buckles provide a lovely traditional feel, perfect for a posh looking pooch! 

The festive touch comes courtesy of a cute 'Santa Paws' applique! 

I used our neighbour's dog for my model - Thanks Yogi! 

The issue is on sale until 18th December, so there's still plenty of time to get your Christmas stitch on!


  1. That's brilliant! My dogs need a coat to keep them dry, the smell of wet dog is never appealing x

  2. The quilted dog coat looks beautiful! I love the buckle at the front too, very elegant. I just might have to have a go at this :-)

  3. Another lovely make, you are so talented Josie. Hx

  4. One of my favourite projects this issue! And my dog is just the perfect size for such a stylish coat! Another project to add to my list!! Well done J! Jxo

  5. What a fun make Josie, your model was very well behaved :)

  6. What a super fun make what a cutie Yogi is!
    d xx

  7. What a great project and super cute model. :)

  8. That coat is great and reusing a old kilt, bet he was one warm pooch, he is obviously model material. Now following your amazing blog.xx

  9. All the other dogs in your road will be very jealous of Yogi's smart new coat.

  10. aww the coat is lovely and the dog looks lovely too! Not seen a sewing world magazine for ages, Jo x

  11. That is one smart pooch. He's an excellent model. I've had fun looking at your past posts!

  12. This is absolutely adorable. I have been looking for a pattern for a present for my friend's dog and this looks perfect. Lovely. Xx

  13. Wow!dog is so cute and it's dress is so cool for Christmas.
