Thursday 3 December 2015

Upcycled Shirt Quilt - Finished!

Pinwheel Blocks

 Blogging has taken a bit of a backseat over the last couple of months as family life has a habit of getting in the way!  I've still been stitching though, including a number of 'secret' projects which will be published in various sewing magazines over the next few months.

I've also been working on an upcycled shirt quilt which was inspired by this absolutely stunning quilt made by Debbie over at Serendipity Patch.

As I didn't want to directly copy Debbie's fantastic work, I decided to stitch more obvious traditional pinwheel blocks which suit the quilt perfectly.

I laid all my finished blocks out on the double bed in our guest room so that I could rearrange them into a pleasing 'random' fashion. However, our very naughty cat was obviously jealous of my attention being lavished on something other than her!  At first, this simply translated to her lying on top of the blocks but, having failed to distract me from the task in hand, she then decided to attempt to completely shred the blocks by scratching them vigorously with all four clawed feet!

Some of the blocks ended up with caught threads and runs and had to be swapped for new ones but the quilt is now finished and the perfect size for multiple occupants to snuggle under whilst sat on the sofa in front of a roaring fire! 


  1. Wow!!! I darent think how many hours that has taken - its fab!!!

  2. Wow, you have been busy! Lovely quilt, lovely cat, however they can be a bit possessive can't they, ours is a bit similar!

    Barbara xx

  3. It's a beautiful quilt, now I know why you have been missing from blogland, it must have taken ages to sew. Enjoy snuggling with it over the winter. Hx

  4. YOU MADE A QUILT!!!!! Well done J! It's gorgeous and I can't wait to see the finished quilt! There's no stopping you now! Jxo

  5. Josie, it's beautiful well done. Least the cat was clean, Buzz my collie has nearly put the odd muddy paw on new newly finished quilts and looks bemused when I stop him. Luckily he is trained to stay still when I shout wait, phew. When I taught him that it was to stop him going on the road, never thought its main use would be saving quilts! Cant wait to see your secret projects.
    sharon x

  6. Oh my goodness! How adorable.'ve got some hours in this don't you? Love it! Hugs and blessings, Cindy

  7. Wonderful quilt Josie. I have a pile of shirts waiting to be made up into a quilt and just hope that it turns out as well as yours when I eventually get around to it :)

  8. Lovely quilt Josie and don't mind the cat. At least he hasn't given birth on it like one of mine did once!! Glad to see you back blogging as I get worried when the blogs I follow don't 'show' for ages.

  9. Your quilt blocks are amazing! I love the pictures of your cat, that is just the thing that my moggy would do. He ignores me for days but the minute the sewing comes out he is all about sitting on it! x

  10. YOu quilt is wonderful and I love your little helper, she is adorable.

  11. What a beautiful labour of love. Making a quilt is on my very long "to do" list.

  12. What an absolutely beautiful quilt and how brilliant that it is made from up-cycled fabric. It really is stunning. I think that it is true when they say that we are trained by our cats as slaves. Your cat is gorgeous. Xx

  13. the quilt looks great! aww the cat is cute Jo x

  14. What patience. I never got further than a duvet cover many years ago then realised the heaviness of it (with all the seems) was not conducive to regular washing.
