Sunday 18 May 2014

Linen Needlecase

Appliqued Needlebook

Some of you might remember this little linen needle book which I made a while ago, it proved quite popular, so I thought I would whip up another one.

Upcycled Linen Needlebook 

I get a bit bored repeating designs however, so I put pen to paper and came up with a new version;

An appliqued sewing machine with a little pin cushion!

Raw edge applique is one of my favourite techniques and I love how a little bit of black stitching really brings a design to life

If you look really carefully, you can even make out the words 'Needle-book' on the printed fabric;

This fabric is part of the Sew Retro range by Makower UK and the linen is from the same pair of upcycled curtains which I bought from a car-boot sale last year.  In my last post I mentioned that I am more than ready for the better weather to arrive so that I can begin to replenish my dwindling fabric stash but look what arrived in the post yesterday...........

.....a huge pile of the most gorgeous pure Irish linen.  It came courtesy of the wonderful Judith over at Just Jude, if you haven't yet visited her stunning blog then you are in for a real treat.  Her creations are as beautiful as she is!


  1. Oh I love your needle case - ooh thanks for the link to just jude - off for a nosy xxx Isnt the sunshine gorgeous - hope you are enjoying it where you are xxx

  2. Gorgeous needlecase, Josie. And I think I now have linen envy. Can't wait to see what you rustle up with your new stash!

  3. Ditto to all of the above comment. Absolutely love the case. I have been using the nice weather to prewash and dry all the fabric in my stash. Is taking ages but I am finding some gems. Happy sewing. xx

  4. Oh my goodness, how cute! And stitched so neatly! I would LOVE one of these!

  5. The needle case is lovely. I love the embroidery. That pile of linen looks very tempting.

  6. Aw thanks J! I'm amazed that your raw edge applique is top-stitched! I always assumed it was free motion sketched. It explains why it is so stitch perfect! Jxo

    1. It depends on how I feel. I quite often drop the feed dogs so that I can free-motion embroider a design but I wanted this to be 'perfect'. Unfortunately, despite my best efforts, this was not to be the case - My very jealous cat likes to sit on top of my machine whilst I stitch and as I was working she took a flying leap onto my back. If you look carefully at the photos you can see a very definite 'wobble' just beneath the spool of thread!

  7. Your needlecase is fabulous and ooh, all that lovely fabric, look forward to more gorgeous makes! Xx

  8. What a great needle case - I love the fabrics you used. What a lovely new stash, too! Thanks for introducing us to Jude - brill work there, too. Have a great week, Chris # 12

  9. I love your raw edge applique. I have bought one of Wendy's digi stamps to try this out but am not sure how best to get the design so well - I was wondering - did you print straight onto fabric or cut out from a paper template?

    1. Hi Ali, I've sent you an email, but basically I just trace them onto 'Bondaweb' x

  10. Your needle case is gorgeous. The linen you've used has provided me with inspiration for a project I'm planning so thanks so much for that. Have a lovely week.
    Ali xx

  11. Love the pincushion applique Josie, and isn't Judith a star that linen is gorgeous :)

  12. It's SEWWWW cute, Josie!

    Hugs and happy highways,

    P.S. I'm Just Jude's newest follower!

  13. Love the little needle cases, and your appliqué. I haven't really used linen for small items, but have to say they look so good

  14. oh that is adorable! Do you use an ordinary foot then and just straight stitch? I thought you used a darning foot and free motioned?

    1. I do both, it just depends on my mood!

  15. Aww what a gorgeous little needle book, thank you for sharing! An enviable stash of fabric too, i look forward to seeing what you make with it :) x

  16. That's a really cute needle book, I love your little details on the pincushion.
