Monday 24 March 2014

Little Quilted Egg Cosies

Easter Egg Cosy Update

I'm still happily stitching little egg cosies whenever I get a quiet couple of minutes and I have to say that are looking very cute and perfect for Spring!

Regular readers will know that I need thirty-two of these personalised warmers ready for Easter Sunday.  They each have their new owner's initial on the back and a raw edge applique on the front.  I finished another little batch of front pieces last night and they now just need stitching up.

These designs are my own, but some of the previous cosies have appliques based on the work of other more talented folk.  You can see those designs, and their original source, on my Pinterest Easter board. 


  1. These are the height of cuteness. :)

  2. Oh dear, I can feel a project coming on. So sweet

  3. What a lovely Easter Egg cosy think I may have to go into production, I love them all.

  4. How adorable! They really are so cute.

  5. Hi Josie I have popped in from the Higham piecemakers blog, and have to say its nice to see your comment. I love your egg cosies.

  6. They are all lovely Josie, what a lovely way to start your Easter weekend.

  7. Josie,

    So, sew adorable! The li'l porcupine's my fav!

    Hugs and happy highways,

  8. Hi there, What fabulous cosies, I have been perusing your blog and am very impressed what a talented lady you are! The caravan is a work of art :D Thank you for visiting me and your kind comment :D Gay x

  9. Hi Josie! Those are awesome cosies! Great job! I love the outlining in black!

  10. These are so so cute. Your applique is wonderful.

  11. I love the cosies!! I particularly like the raw edge applique, which I have been using a lot recently.

  12. So sweet and pretty Josie! Someones going to love them!
    Gill xx

  13. Wow I do believe you must be queen of machine applique..Poppy treffry eat your heart out!
    lovely blog, thanks for your comment at mine too!
    bestest daisy J xx

  14. These are absolutely beautiful! I love all the pretty appliqué designs, especially the toadstool.
    Marianne x

  15. These are lovely, I've realised this week just how tricky appliqué is, you my dear have oodles of talent! :) x

  16. They really are gorgeous! Love the bee hive x

  17. Wow. They are lovely. I love the fabrics you have used, and what a lot of work. Lucky guests.

  18. These cosies are gorgeous! Having just tried some small scale appliqué tell me - how do you secure the fabric so that it stays where you put it to be sewn on? Is there a trick?

    1. For tiny pieces I use bondaweb, but it can make the item too stiff to handsew, it's fine for machine stitching though.

  19. Beautiful, great choices of fabric. You have great control of your sewing machine on such small applique :) (not envious at all!!)

  20. You must be so patient to make so many little egg cosies, but they are all totally adorable.

  21. Oh wow these are gorgeous! All your designs are adorable and beautifully stitched. I love the hedgehog's rosy cheeks! x

  22. Brilliant...Love them!!

  23. being able to stitch like this is the stuff of dreams for me! Will have to nosy about your blog to pick up some tips. I should think getting the sewing machine out would be a good start ;o)

  24. if i saw these in a shop i would snap them up but not let the kids have them hehe
