Monday 26 September 2022

Precious New Baby Gift 

Personalised Applique Bunting Garland

Wow, it's been a year since my last post!  It's flown by and I have been sewing but just haven't found the time to blog my projects and magazine work.  I wonder if it will be another twelve months before the next update?!

Anyway apologies (and excuses) over, I made this cute lemon yellow bunting for the new granddaughter of an amazing joiner who has been working his magic in our home for over twenty years!  He takes my random eBay purchases and customises them into stunning bespoke pieces of furniture which then blend seamlessly into our home.  Having the services of an artisan carpenter is a privilege we don't take for granted!

This project was a little different for me as, for the first time ever, I used a die set to create the letters.  I've always previously drawn and cut out my applique pieces by hand. Each method has its advantage, creating my own allows me the absolute freedom to create fonts and images, in any shape and size, limited only by my imagination. However, die cutting is much quicker and gives a sharp professional edge to the letters which I couldn't possibly replicate with scissors.  

I stitched the applique pieces in white thread, rather than my usual choice of black or dark grey, as I felt this would be more appropriate for a new born baby.  The buttons are from a vintage stash inherited from my great grandmother and the spotty bias binding was upcycled from a thrifted dress. 

We've also been hearing the pitter patter of tiny feet in our house, here's a clue until the next blog post....
